Bosnia in War versus Bosnia in Peace

Bosnia in War & Bosnia in Peace (2018 & 2019) Sarajevo Sarajevo was besieged nearly 1,500 days during the war. The Siege of Sarajevo was the longest of a capital city in the history of modern warfare. The siege lasted three times longer than the Battle of Stalingrad and more than a year longer than the Siege of Leningrad. A total of 13,952 people were killed during the siege. An average of over 300 shells hit the city every day with a devastating peak of 3,777 shells hitting the city on 22nd July 1993. For more info see also: Sarajevo - Skandaria along the river side Sarajevo - Parlementsbuilding Sarajevo - Sniper Alley Sarajevo - Twin Tower Sarajevo - Bright Side Today Sarajevo is the capital of the Bosnian country and is the crossroad of East and West, Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox and Islam, Habsburg a...