Keyboard Warriors

Keyboard Warriors I am careful to use the word “stigmatization” because is already too often used by all kind of groups. However, I have seen some bad experience when I left the Army in 1995. I was combat engineer for Support Command, which was the supporting and logistical part of Dutchbat. As many of you know Dutchbat was the taskforce based in the enclave Srebrenica which dramatically felt in July 1995. In my book “United Nothing” which is under construction and will be published in spring 2020 (25 year after the fall of Srebrenica), I wrote also a chapter about the published news and public opinion about Dutchbat after the fall. Dutchbat was from the beginning undermanned, investigations and analyses advised around 5000 soldiers, but the Dutch government sent only a 500 strong unit. During the fall around 400 soldiers were still in the enclave. Only 150 were combat soldiers, the rest were medics, drivers, mechanics, engineers etc. Tens of the ...